Sunday, March 13, 2011

8.9 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Oh my it has been a very devastating weekend here in Japan.  Although we are located about 1200 miles away from where the devastation happened, we still had tsunami waves and warnings all weekend. 
Trystan and I were in JUSCO, which is a little bit of everything, guess you can say a mall with a grocery store.  When we were getting into the van the local sirens sounded and of course I had no clue what was being said, but I remembered that sound from last years Okinawa Quake (which is where we are located in Japan) and the tsunami warning that sounded then.  I really didn't think much of it because the base sirens did not sound until 45 minutes later.  I was told by a friend that we were under warning because of the quake and I had no idea there had been one due to no reception inside and it did not push to my phone as an alert. 
SO, we were palnning to go to Dolphin Park which is located on the Sunabi Sea Wall.  Had to catch my friend before she left but she was in the parking area!  Thank goodness!  Decided to run errands before lockdown and we arrived at one place as they were shutting down.  NOW, the locals were still doing things as normal!!!  SERIOUSLY!  We did NOT have waves over a meter but why chance it!  We had some friends and their little boys stay with us until mid morning Saturday.  I was so happy to be able to house them and provide a safe place!  Trystan really enjoyed Joe's breakfast too!  That was a treat! 
Trystan was also supposed to have encapment at Hansen for Young Marines and graduation Sunday afternoon.  Thankfully that was canceled due to unstable tsunami conditions.  They will graduate next weekend.  Michelle ordered a cake for our kids and we ate it today.  was a nice cake and tasted good!! 
Well, facebook is constantly flooded with family and friends concerned about how we are doing and we are FINE!  We are so greatful for your concern and we ask that you pray and continue to pray for all of those devastated in mainland Japan and US coastlines to include Hawaii as well. 
Okinawa is located where the blue arrow points
The Cammo Cake for Trystan, Lilly and Gabriel
Trystan, Lilly Mikey and Gabriel
Soon to be Young Marines!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Whale Watching

It's been a while since I have posted.  We went whale watching last week and it was so AMAZING!!  It's so wonderful to see God's creatures in their own environment and not behind acage or a pool!  We got SOAKED and rocked with the waves but gosh, it was fun!  Finally, Trystan and I got some quality time together!  I have all of the photos on FACEBOOK-- under Whale Watching.  KRISTIN!!~~ Not sure how you spell your name!  This link is for you! 
I will blog more later.  Too busy right now!
Oh and None of us got sick!  Just a little boy.  Poor thing!
A Whale Tail
Trystan and Elijiah

Me, Trystan, Elijiah
and The Destiny Crew