Monday, July 12, 2010


So if you know me at all or not I absolutely hate earthquakes.  We feel them quite often out here in Okinawa.  I felt my first ever earthquake in San Diego 9 years ago.  That was scary and it was located in Palm Springs.  Was a jolt, fast and very loud.  I was pregnant with Trystan and I thought I was going to go into labor I was so scared.  I mean really, the earth moving and shaking like that is strange!  I felt a few more in the months after.  Since we have been here, almost a year now, I have lost count of how many I have felt.  My first one was in January, when Douglas was deployed.  It was a 5.3 located about 59 miles offshore from here.  The second was HUGE!!  7.5 and was only a few days after the Haiti quake.  there was not much damage because I tell you the Japanese know how to construct!  We live in a tower on the top floor, 9th.  It was very scary!  We have nowhere to go but try to protect ourselves.  That's it!  This trigerred anxiety for me.  Yes, my husband was still deployed.  There have been many smaller ones since and one of which we just had about an hour ago.  It was a 4.9 located about 50 miles north off shore from us.  My kids and I were in the elevator about 5 flights up.  I pushed the button for the next floor and pounded on the open door button.  was a tid bit scary.  Needless to say, our Awesome Lord is watching over us!  We have had too many teases with natural disaster.  if you have never been in one, it's not fun and seriously its one of the few disasters that can not be predicted. 

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